Carmichael Training Systems - Official Training Partner
"I'm a CTS scholarised athlete and i'm fortunate to have access to some of the worlds very best coaches; and with it, the latest training techniques and protocals. Their heritage in endurance sports is second to none - just look at some of the world class athletes they coach.
CTS continues to manage and guide all aspects of my training; from aerobic and strength development to nutrition, recovery - all specifically tailored to meet my needs in the boat.
I've worked with CTS for over 4 years and would recomend them as a first port of call for any training related campaign".
North Wales Honda
"For the last 3 years i've worked closely with the Team at North Wales Honda. Our partnership has now come to an end an we are looking for a vehicle partner".

McDaniel Nutrition Therapy - Official Nutrition Partner
"Jen is one of CTS' registered nutrition specialists and i began working with her in 2011. Since then she's been a fantastic supporter of my campaign, ensuring i have a structured and balanced approach to my training, race and recovery nutrition. She works with some great athletes and teams, and her credentials in sports dietetics are amazing - she's a regular feature on Fox and has recently written for Cosmo!"

© Chris Russell Sailing - 2012-2015