A return to business as usual
Training Update: July 2015

After a couple of intensive weeks of hard training at Chris’s Catalunya training base, he is back to business as usual and finalising his preparation for the summer months.
His focus for the last period has been in the boat. Soaring temperatures and humid climes have facilitated unusually high sea breezes every day, and Chris has taken advantage of the perfect sailing conditions to put long hours in on the water.
“I’ve taken some time to refocus and improve some aspects of my sailing, and I wanted a slightly longer period away from racing than I’m used to, mainly due to the heavy competition schedule coming up in the next few months. I’m pretty comfortable with the progress I’ve made, and I’m confident with the plan we have in place for the next few months ahead of the first trials regatta”.
Chris will remain in Spain for the next mini-block before returning home for several sponsor and business commitments. He will next compete at the Irish National Championships in Dublin in August.